Candidate experience checklist

Want to improve your candidate experience, but don't know where to start?

Use our free candidate experience checklist to identify quick wins to improve your current candidate experience, without needing to open up new recruitment channels.

When we re-built Compass Group's candidate experience, applications increased by 42% from the same traffic.

Fill in the form and we will send your free checklist directly into your inbox.

What do we cover in this checklist?

All companies are working hard to find talent. We invest a lot of time, money and effort into attracting candidates, so we don't want to lose them at the final hurdle. This checklist identifies quick wins and actions that you can take to review and improve experience.

Highlights include:

  • Job descriptions between 300-800 words get 5x more clicks
  • Have you used a gender decoder to keep language neutral?
  • How fast does your website load? Conversions drop by 4.42% every second
  • How do you feel applying for a role on your website

Download your free candidate experience checklist

A handy checklist to help you review your candidate journey, identify quick wins and improve your applicants' experiences.